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Heritage High

Inspire, Equip, Engage

Heritage High exists to equip our students for a faith and service filled Christian life. We seek to be a Christ-like community grounded in biblical truth. We strive to impact the students everyday by enabling them to grow in their relationship with God, cultivate critical thinking, and explore God's purpose for their lives.

Our Staff

All of the staff at Heritage High uphold and follow the values and beliefs of the Heritage Community Christian School. They have a passion for teaching and bringing children to Christ.

Luke and Sue T., Parents

“We love having our guys in Heritage High. It is so cool to be part of something that is developing and there is SO much potential! It is comforting to know that our children are in a good place that is going to help them grow not only as students but as Christ followers. Some of the things that we love are that it is a hybrid program which is independent learning with in-person teacher support. They also do service projects where they volunteer their time for whoever needs help. They pray for these people, and it teaches them to be a servant which is part of being a Christ follower.”
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